Office workers the most common "occupational disease"
Office workers the most common "occupational disease"
Stomach, seems to have become the commonest "occupational disease" workers, as a result of eating habits lead to more and more people suffering from chronic gastric diseases such as gastric ulcer, the most terrible is that gastric ulcer hemorrhage caused by a lot of people in shock!
So what is stomach ulcer in the end?
Gastric ulcer refers to the gastric mucosa in some cases by digestion of digestive juice in the stomach caused by ulcers. Another popular point to explain is that the stomach digests itself.
Gastric ulcer is an emergency, especially dangerous, it is likely to cause gastric perforation, there is bleeding on the upper gastrointestinal tract, thus threatening life, so we must pay attention, attention, attention!
Gastric ulcer bleeding is a common acute condition
Clinically, the mortality rate of gastric bleeding is very high, reaching 10%, many patients with stomach problems in the rescue are announced because of acute gastric bleeding and death. Gastrointestinal bleeding is a very dangerous situation, if the treatment, rescue is not timely, a large number of bleeding within a short time, leading to shock death.
Gastric ulcer is now considered a precancerous lesion
According to our country's clinical literature, about 5% of gastric ulcer can occur canceration, this figure is still increasing trend. If gastric mucosa ulceration occurs in the activities of erosion, repeated destruction and stimulation of gastric ulcer location, there may be malignant transformation.
How to determine whether the stomach ulcer?
If you often appear stomachache and taro, and stomach pain and has the following symptoms:
1. Pain in the middle part of the abdomen, slightly left or right, that is, people often say "heart ache";
2. The pain is generally not severe, relatively light, able to tolerate, is a kind of dull pain, dull pain, pain or burning pain;
3. The onset of pain is closely related to eating. Occurred within 1 hour after the meal appeared, after 1-2 hours to gradually ease themselves.
In addition to these, gastric ulcer with acid reflux, belching, heartburn, bloating, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other gastrointestinal "common" symptoms.
Gastric ulcer patients how to eat?
If you suffer from gastric ulcer, in addition to pay attention to regular rest, but also "tube shut up." Since gastric ulcer is a gastrointestinal disease, naturally related to eating and drinking.
So, in daily life, we should prevent in the diet?
1 can eat
In the ulcer activity period, to eat liquid or semi-liquid, digestible, nutritious food as well. Food choice digestible, with enough protein foods. For example: porridge, vermicelli, soy milk, eggs, tofu and soy products, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.
These foods help to repair damaged tissue and promote ulcer healing, and patients with pantothenic acid should use less milk. Cooking methods to steamed, roasted, fried, stewed mainly.
At the same time, choose to supplement probiotics in vitro, probiotics, prebiotics is also a good way to help regulate gastrointestinal flora, repair gastric mucosa, conservation of the stomach.
In recent years, studies suggest that although eating can temporarily relieve pain, but eating less meals continue to stimulate gastric acid secretion, so that the whole acid secretion in the active state, obviously not conducive to ulcer healing. Therefore, in addition to acute exacerbation of concurrent blood, vomiting blood short-term Eat more meals, usually should adhere to the three meals a day eating law.
2 can not eat
Limit residue food: should avoid eating fried, fried food;
Containing more crude fiber foods: celery, leeks, bean sprouts, bacon and so on;
Coarse grains: a variety of coarse grains, these foods not only rough not easy to digest, but also cause a lot of secretion of gastric juice, increase the burden on the stomach. But after processing made easy to digest food such as puree can be eaten.
Do not eat spicy food: Forbidden to stimulate the secretion of gastric acid foods, such as broth, raw onions, raw garlic, concentrated fruit juice, coffee, wine, tea and so on;
Forbidden to eat sweet, too sour, too salty, overheating, raw, cold, hard and other foods: sweets can increase gastric acid secretion, stimulate the ulcer surface disease; overheating food to stimulate the ulcer surface, causing pain, Bleeding; spicy food to stimulate the ulcer surface, so that increased gastric acid secretion; too cold, hard food is not easy to digest, can aggravate the condition. In addition, ulcer patients should also quit smoking, nicotine in tobacco can change the pH of gastric juice, disrupt the normal activities of the stomach pylorus, induced or aggravating ulcer disease.
Pay attention to breakfast nutrition
Do not eat too much, eat the most suitable for seven minutes;
Eating slowly chewing food: food after repeated grinding can become more gentle teeth to reduce the friction and irritation of the ulcer surface;
Gastric ulcer patients should eat more residue-free food, in order to avoid dry stool, but also often eat some agar, bananas, honey and other intestine food.